templates for the estimate of residential building maintenance and management works and the statement of income and expenses for a specific calendar year , including the position "Measures to improve the energy efficiency of the residential house, including the fulfillment of minimum requirements and ensuring the energy certification of the building". Thus, the manager will be able to include in the estimate also the costs related to the energy certification of the building.
The energy certification of the building is necessary so that the owners have access to information about the energy consumption in the building, which will allow them to make a balanced the energy efficiency of the building. In addition, it should [size=14.6667px]Canada WhatsApp Number Data be noted that when preparing a project application for receiving support for the renovation of the building and the implementation of energy efficiency measures, the costs of energy efficiency assessment may be included in the eligible costs. Detailed with amendments in the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 11, 2017 No. 408 "Rules for calculating residential house management and management fees" can be found on the Legal Acts portal .

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